20 pieces of evidence
Netflix didn‘t want you to see
Below you’ll find 20 pieces of evidence that the Netflix series “Till murder do us part: Soering vs. Haysom” doesn‘t even mention. Oddly enough, this is all evidence that suggests I‘m innocent. Why do you think the Netflix producers didn‘t want you to know about these 20 pieces of evidence?
We‘ll never know for sure. I suspect, however, that the producers wanted to create artificial suspense in order to make their series more “interesting.” To achieve that goal, they had to make it appear that I might have committed the crime.
The 20 pieces of evidence make it very difficult to create that artificial suspense. Why? Because in its totality, all of the evidence below strongly suggests that I didn’t kill Derek and Nancy Haysom.
As a probable victim of a wrongful conviction, I’m a bit boring. But as a potential murderer, I’m “interesting” — or at least that’s what the Netflix producers are hoping.
So the 20 pieces of exculpatory evidence below had to be suppressed. Sometimes the truth has to be sacrificed in order to get good ratings.
1. Report by Prof. J. Thomas McClintock
This report refutes once and for all the theory that the blood samples could be mixed or contaminated.

2. Reports by Rick Johnson, Russell Johnson and Frederick Webb
The reports from these three recognized experts refute the theory that the sock print at the crime scene was left by me.

3. Statements from the managers of the hotel and the cinema
The statements of these two managers refute the theory that Elizabeth and I might have committed the crime together.

4. Elizabeth’s confession
During an interrogation on June 8, 1986, Elizabeth Haysom told investigators, “I did it myself. ...I got off on it.”

5. Elizabeth’s comparison of her foot to the sock print
In early June 1985, the Haysom family cleaned up the crime scene in order to sell the house. Two witnesses observed Elizabeth taking off her shoe and comparing her foot to the sock print at the crime scene.

6. Blood of Elizabeth’s blood type at the crime scene
Blood of Elizabeth’s blood type—blood type B—was found near the body of her mother, Nancy Haysom. 10% of the population have this blood type.

7. FBI profile, Ed Sulzbach, Stan Lapekas
In the documentary “Killing for love,” retired FBI Special Agent Ed Sulzbach says that he created a suspect profile in 1985 that pointed to a female perpetrator with a close relationship to the victims. In 2018 retired FBI Special Agent Stan Lapekas found the FBI file on the case. It didn’t contain the profile, but it did contain other documents proving the profile’s existence.

8. Unidentified fingerprints
The victims had elevated blood alcohol levels. An “Old Plum” brandy bottle and alcohol glasses were found near Derek Haysom’s body—with fingerprints that have not been identified to this day.

9. Report by Prof. Moses Schanfield
Prof. J. Thomas McClintock is not the only DNA scientist who studied the case intensively and exculpated me. A second renowned scientist, Prof. Moses Schanfield, came to the same conclusion, independently of Prof. McClintock.

10. Second shoe print
Another retired homicide detective, Detective Sergeant Richard Hudson, investigated the case intensively for months, along with Sheriff Chip Harding. Like Harding, Hudson also came to the conclusion that I was innocent. In addition, Hudson found a second shoe print in the blood at the crime scene that had previously been overlooked. The second shoe print is different from the previously known print. This proves that two people with different shoes were at the crime scene.

11. Luminol test of the getaway car
The original lead investigator, Chuck Reid, used the chemical luminol to examine the getaway car for traces of blood. He didn’t find a single drop of blood. In a 2013 radio report, Reid’s successor Ricky Gardner confirmed that no blood was found in the car. This refutes Elizabeth Haysom’s claim that she saw me covered in blood in the car when I supposedly returned from the crime.

12. More mistakes in the confession
My confession contained many other mistakes that are not mentioned in the Netflix series: blood in the shower, glasses and candles on the dining room table, etc. I made a video about this, please visit my YouTube channel if you’re interested.

13. Lots of cars in the driveway
Jean Bass, a neighbor of Derek and Nancy Haysom, saw many cars on the driveway to the house in the days between the murders and the discovery of the bodies. She also found a knife on the street.

14. Statements by Shifflett and Albright
The drifters William Shifflett and Robert Albright were living in a homeless shelter when they murdered Marvin Millikin. In 2018 Sandra T., a volunteer at this homeless shelter, went on record saying that she heard Shifflett and Albright say that they went to a "rich bitch’s" house and killed her parents.

15. Other suspects
In 2011, auto mechanic Tony Buchanan said that, in 1985, he saw Elizabeth Haysom with a bloody knife.
Accompanying her was a young man who was definitely not me. Buchanan identified Elizabeth’s friend as Edward Brinkley.
The murders took place on March 30, 1985. This was the birthday of Jim Farmer. According to Elizabeth Haysom, Farmer was her drug dealer. His birthday party took place in Lynchburg, just a few miles from the Haysoms’ home in Bedford.
Elizabeth’s college dormitory roommate, Christine K., admitted in court that she had prepared an alibi timeline in the days between the murders and the discovery of the bodies. Supposedly she couldn’t remember who was present when she wrote this timeline.
These three suspects were never investigated.

16. Biased judge
The judge at my trial, William Sweeney, was a friend of the Haysom family. Before my trial, he gave an interview in which he expressed his belief that I was the perpetrator.
The magazine was published on the first day of my trial.

17. Incompetent lawyer
Five years after my trial, my defense attorney at the time, Richard Neaton, lost his license to practice law because of mistakes he made in my case.
If you’d like to know more about the judge and the lawyer, please visit my YouTube channel and watch the video about the many problems of the US legal system.

18. Context of the letter about “crushing”
In the Netflix series, a letter from me is read aloud that uses the word “crushing.” The filmmakers suggest that these words may be related to the murders. But that’s definitely not the case, and the filmmakers knew that.
This letter had nothing to do with Elizabeth Haysom’s parents; it was about two articles in the German magazine “Der Spiegel.” If you’d like to know more about this, please visit my YouTube channel, where you’ll find a video about the letters and the motive for the murders.

19. Motive
In the Netflix series, a person appears who claims that Derek and Nancy Haysom hated me. But that’s not true. This person was present throughout my trial and had the opportunity to make this claim in court.
That would have helped the prosecutor a lot, since he had no convincing motive for the crime. But neither that person nor any other witness said in court that he or she ever heard the Haysoms say that they hated me. They had no reason to do so, because they had only met me once for 30 to 45 minutes.
20. Statements from jurists Gail Starling Marshall, Dennis Dohnal, Mary Kelly Tate and Irwin Cotler
Four renowned jurists officially concluded that I should never have been convicted: a deputy attorney general, a US federal judge, a professor who specializes in wrongful convictions, and Canada’s minister of justice. If you’re interested in this topic, please visit my YouTube channel where you will find a video about all of these experts.